The high temperature Thermic 1100 glue consists of different inorganic materials. It resists to 2012°F.


The product is most suitable to stick insulating material to surfaces like steel, glass, enamel or comparable others. Because of the increased pH value steel will not corrode. However, on aluminium, slight corrosion is possible.


Technical Data

Density 1500 kg/m³
Temperature 1100°C
Drying time at 20°C 8 hours
Odor Odorless
Drying time 2-3h (completely hardened after 24h)
Storage condition 12 months shelf life. Store in original packaging, vertical, between 5C and 30C and out of direct sunlight
N.B. The information presented may differ from practice. We recommend conducting tests according to the conditions of use. We accept no responsibility for results obtained by the application of this information or the safety and suitability of our products. The data is subject to certain variations without notice.